Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tie Dye

What did you do?
I first randomly make a pattern by tying rubber-bands around a piece of fabric. I tied the rubber-bands anywhere I wanted it to be, hoping it would make a good pattern. I also got some inspiration from the technique that Ibu Lisa have thought us. After making the pattern, I dyed the fabric with different color dyes. I dyed my fabric with light colors on purpose because the only dark color available is blue and I was afraid that the colors wouldn’t match, then it wouldn’t turn out good. After dying it, I put my name tag so when it’s dry, my friends wouldn’t mistaken it for theirs’. The next day, when it’s dry, I opened the rubber-bands and I got my result.

What had been a success or failure?
A failure would be with the dying, the colors did not show as much as it’s suppose to be. I guess my rubber-bands were too tight and big. A success would be with the pattern, though I tied the rubber-bands randomly, the pattern turned out pretty good.

What will you do better or differently?
Next time I would use different colors even if it doesn’t match, to make it look more natural and I would do the rainbow spiral pattern next time.